Best 91+ History of India MCQS

History of India MCQS – India’s history spans thousands of years and encompasses a wide range of languages, civilizations, eras, and kingdoms. There is some literature from the Indus Valley, where Indian culture first emerged. The period following the Persian Empire’s conquest of India is better understood.

History of India MCQS

History of India MCQS

Ancient History – Pre History to 700 CE

Paleolithic Age 2 million BC – 10,000 BC

1. The Paleolithic Era is also known as:
a) Stone Age
b) Bronze Age
c) Iron Age
d) Middle Ages

2. Paleolithic people created tools using:
a) Iron
b) Bronze
c) Stone
d) Plastic

3. Paleolithic people commonly hunting which of the following animals:
a) Dinosaurs
b) Mammoths
c) Lions
d) Elephants

4. Which of the following Paleolithic sites is found in India:
a) Lascaux
b) Bhimbetka
c) Altamira
d) Chauvet

Mesolithic Age 10000 – 8000 BC

5. What is the name of tiny stone tools found in the Mesolithic period?
a) Hand axes
b) Microliths
c) Flint tools
d) Chisels

6. The Mesolithic men started to wear clothes made of __.
a) Wool
b) Cotton
c) Leather
d) Silk

7. The Mesolithic peoples were art lovers and mostly paintings were based on __.
a) Landscapes
b) Hunting scenes
c) Portraits
d) Mythological stories

8. In which age was fire discovered?
a) Paleolithic Age
b) Mesolithic Age
c) Neolithic Age
d) Bronze Age

Neolithic Age 8000 BC – 4000 BC

9. In the Neolithic period, polished stone called a _ was used to make tools.
a) Flint
b) Chisel
c) Hand axe
d) Celt

10. Wheels were discovered in which of the following periods?
a) Paleolithic Period
b) Mesolithic Period
c) Neolithic Period
d) Bronze Age

11. In the Neolithic period, which of the major crops was grown?
a) Barley
b) Rice
c) Wheat
d) All of the above

12. The oldest Neolithic site found in India is __.
a) Mehrgarh
b) Bhimbetka
c) Burzahom
d) Chirand

Chalcolithic Age 4000 BC – 1500 BC

13. The Chalcolithic Age is also known as:
a) Stone Age
b) Bronze Age
c) Copper Age
d) Iron Age

14. In which period was copper used?
a) Paleolithic Period
b) Mesolithic Period
c) Neolithic Period
d) Chalcolithic Period

15. The main Chalcolithic sites in India include:
a) Mohenjo-Daro
b) Harappa
c) Navdatoli, Kayatha, and Inamgaon
d) Lothal

16. The first metal age of India is called _.
a) Bronze Age
b) Iron Age
c) Chalcolithic Age
d) Neolithic Age

17. Jorwe culture is associated with _.
a) Bronze Age
b) Iron Age
c) Chalcolithic Age
d) Neolithic Age

The Iron Age 1600 BC – 600 BC

18. In India, the Iron Age began during the __.
a) 2nd millennium BCE
b) 3rd millennium BCE
c) 4th millennium BCE
d) 1st millennium BCE

19. In the Iron Age, the most significant development was _.
a) Use of bronze tools
b) Development of pottery
c) Use of iron tools and weapons
d) Domestication of animals

20. The Iron Age is also known as _.
a) Stone Age
b) Bronze Age
c) Early Historic Period
d) Vedic Age

21. Which of the following theories have been established on the origin of the Iron Age in India?
a) Diffusion theory and Migration theory
b) Out of Africa theory and Evolution theory
c) Aryan Invasion theory and Indigenous development theory
d) Big Bang theory and Steady State theory

Empire of the Mauryans 321 BC – 185 BC

22. Who was the founder of the Mauryan dynasty?
a) Ashoka
b) Chandragupta Maurya
c) Bindusara
d) Brihadratha

23. The father of Ashoka was _.
a) Chandragupta Maurya
b) Bindusara
c) Bimbisara
d) Ajatashatru

24. The capital of the Mauryan empire was _.
a) Pataliputra
b) Taxila
c) Ujjain
d) Kalinga

25. Why was the Mauryan empire famous?
a) Advanced technology
b) Military prowess
c) Administration and governance
d) Artistic achievements

26. Ashoka’s lion capital which is the national symbol of:
a) Pakistan
b) India
c) Nepal
d) Bangladesh

27. The last ruler of the Mauryan dynasty was:
a) Ashoka
b) Bindusara
c) Chandragupta Maurya
d) Brihadratha

28. Who was the first ruler who took messages to the people through his inscriptions?
a) Chandragupta Maurya
b) Bindusara
c) Ashoka
d) Harshavardhana

29. Ashoka was converted to which religion?
a) Hinduism
b) Jainism
c) Buddhism
d) Zoroastrianism

30. Who defeated Ashoka?
a) Seleucus I Nicator
b) Alexander the Great
c) Kalinga army
d) No one; he was not defeated

31. Ashoka was the great ruler of ancient India and known for his:
a) Conquests
b) Administrative reforms
c) Spread of Buddhism
d) Architectural achievements

32. Ashoka made 39 inscriptions which are broadly classified into __ categories.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

33. Arthashastra was written by Kautilya in:
a) Sanskrit
b) Prakrit
c) Pali
d) Tamil

34. Mudrarakshasa is a drama written by Visakhadatta in:
a) Sanskrit
b) Prakrit
c) Pali
d) Tamil

35. Which was the largest Indian empire?
a) Gupta Empire
b) Maurya Empire
c) Mughal Empire
d) Chola Empire

Guptas of the Post-Gupta Era

36. Harshavardhana is also called:
a) Harsha
b) Chandragupta
c) Ashoka
d) Vikramaditya

37. Who was the last ruler of the Vardhana Empire?
a) Rajyavardhana
b) Harshavardhana
c) Adityavardhana
d) Bhaskaravarman

38. Who unified northern India and made his capital Kanyakubja?
a) Chandragupta Maurya
b) Ashoka
c) Harshavardhana
d) Samudragupta

39. The Pushyabhuti dynasty is also known as:
a) Maurya dynasty
b) Gupta dynasty
c) Vardhana dynasty
d) Nanda dynasty

40. How many Sanskrit plays were written by Harshavardhana?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five

41. Who established Nalanda University?
a) Chandragupta Maurya
b) Ashoka
c) Kumaragupta I
d) Harshavardhana

42. What is the name of the famous Indian writer and poet in the court of Harshavardhana?
a) Kalidasa
b) Banabhatta
c) Bharavi
d) Dandin

43. Harshavardhana was a worshiper of Shiva in the beginning but later became a:
a) Jain
b) Buddhist
c) Vaishnavite
d) Zoroastrian

Medieval History (700 CE to 1857 CE)

44. Nalanda University and Vikramshila were destroyed by:
a) Muhammad bin Qasim
b) Mahmud of Ghazni
c) Bakhtiyar Khilji
d) Alauddin Khilji

45. Who was the third Muslim ruler who invaded India?
a) Muhammad bin Qasim
b) Mahmud of Ghazni
c) Muhammad Ghori
d) Alauddin Khilji

46. Muhammad Ghori was defeated by:
a) Prithviraj Chauhan
b) Rana Sanga
c) Babur
d) Hemu

47. Qutb-ud-din Aibak was appointed as the commander by:
a) Mahmud of Ghazni
b) Muhammad bin Qasim
c) Muhammad Ghori
d) Alauddin Khilji

48. Who was the general of King Akbar who defeated the Cheros:
a) Bairam Khan
b) Man Singh
c) Birbal
d) Tansen

49. Who introduced new methods of rice cultivation in their kingdom:
a) Alauddin Khilji
b) Sher Shah Suri
c) Akbar
d) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

50. Ibrahim Lodi was the son of:
a) Bahlul Lodi
b) Sikandar Lodi
c) Daulat Khan Lodi
d) Khizr Khan

51. Who was the author of Tughluqnama:
a) Amir Khusrau
b) Ziauddin Barani
c) Ibn Battuta
d) Al-Biruni

52. Amir Khusrau was a classical poet associated with:
a) Akbar
b) Alauddin Khilji
c) Muhammad bin Tughluq
d) Babur

53. To whom did Akbar give the title of Jagat Guru:
a) Birbal
b) Tansen
c) Salim Chishti
d) Purushottam Das

54. During whose reign did Nadir Shah attack India and take the diamond Kohinoor:
a) Shah Jahan
b) Aurangzeb
c) Muhammad Shah
d) Bahadur Shah I

55. Who founded the Bijapur Kingdom?
a) Adil Shah
b) Ibrahim Shah
c) Yusuf Adil Shah
d) Ismail Adil Shah

56. The first battle of Panipat was fought in the year of:
a) 1526
b) 1556
c) 1761
d) 1658

57. The second battle of Panipat was fought in the year of:
a) 1526
b) 1556
c) 1761
d) 1658

58. The third battle of Panipat was fought in the year of:
a) 1526
b) 1556
c) 1761
d) 1658

59. Razia Sultan belonged to the _ dynasty.
a) Khilji
b) Tughlaq
c) Slave
d) Lodi

60. Who was the first and last female ruler of Medieval India:
a) Chand Bibi
b) Nur Jahan
c) Jahanara Begum
d) Razia Sultan

61. Diwan-i-Insha was the department of:
a) Agriculture
b) Correspondence
c) Military
d) Revenue

62. Buland Darwaza was built by:
a) Babur
b) Humayun
c) Akbar
d) Shah Jahan

63. The time taken for the construction of Buland Darwaza was:
a) 3 years
b) 2 years
c) 5 years
d) 4 years

64. Which of the following architecture was the mixture of Hindu and Persian style:
a) Qutub Minar
b) Buland Darwaza
c) Red Fort
d) Fatehpur Sikri

65. The Mysore Palace was the residence of:
a) Marathas
b) Mughals
c) Wodeyars
d) Nizams

66. The Mysore Palace was established in the year of:
a) 1912
b) 1897
c) 1902
d) 1910

67. Who was the last ruler of the Lodi Dynasty:
a) Bahlul Lodi
b) Sikandar Lodi
c) Ibrahim Lodi
d) Daulat Khan Lodi

Modern History (Post 1857 CE)

68. Who is known as the father of Modern India?
a) Mahatma Gandhi
b) Jawaharlal Nehru
c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
d) B. R. Ambedkar

69. Who gave the motto “Go Back to Vedas”?
a) Swami Vivekananda
b) Swami Dayananda Saraswati
c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

70. The first law based on compulsory education was introduced by the State:
a) Bombay
b) Madras
c) Baroda
d) Bengal

71. Who is known as the Iron Man of India?
a) Jawaharlal Nehru
b) Subhas Chandra Bose
c) Vallabhbhai Patel
d) Bhagat Singh

72. The Poona Pact was an agreement between:
a) Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru
b) Mahatma Gandhi and B. R. Ambedkar
c) B. R. Ambedkar and Vallabhbhai Patel
d) Subhas Chandra Bose and Mahatma Gandhi

73. On which date did the Jallianwala Massacre occur?
a) April 13, 1919
b) March 15, 1920
c) August 15, 1947
d) January 26, 1950

74. Who was the founder of Atmiya Sabha?
a) Swami Vivekananda
b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
c) Dayananda Saraswati
d) Rabindranath Tagore

75. Which of the following newspapers was started by Annie Besant?
a) Kesari
b) Young India
c) The Hindu
d) New India

76. The Ghadar Party was founded by:
a) Lala Har Dayal
b) Bhagat Singh
c) Sukhdev
d) Rajguru

77. Who was the author of Vande Mataram?
a) Rabindranath Tagore
b) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
c) Sarojini Naidu
d) Subramania Bharati

78. The Simon Commission was a group of _ members.
a) Five
b) Seven
c) Nine
d) Eleven

79. Who was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj?
a) Dayananda Saraswati
b) Swami Vivekananda
c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
d) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

80. Who played an important role in abolishing the Sati System?
a) Swami Vivekananda
b) Dayananda Saraswati
c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
d) Rabindranath Tagore

81. Who introduced the dual government system?
a) Robert Clive
b) Warren Hastings
c) Lord Cornwallis
d) Lord Wellesley

82. In 1956, Indian states were reorganised on the basis of:
a) Religion
b) Population
c) Language
d) Economic Status

83. Who attended the second round table conference in 1931?
a) Mahatma Gandhi
b) Jawaharlal Nehru
c) Subhas Chandra Bose
d) Sardar Patel

84. Who was the first woman President of Indian National Congress?
a) Sarojini Naidu
b) Annie Besant
c) Indira Gandhi
d) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

85. Who was popularly known as Deshbandhu?
a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
b) Chittaranjan Das
c) Lala Lajpat Rai
d) Bipin Chandra Pal

86. Who was known as the Iron Lady of India?
a) Indira Gandhi
b) Sarojini Naidu
c) Vijayalakshmi Pandit
d) Annie Besant

87. Who was known as the Nightingale of India?
a) Indira Gandhi
b) Sarojini Naidu
c) Vijayalakshmi Pandit
d) Annie Besant

88. What is the ratio of the Indian flag’s length to its width:
a) 2:3
b) 3:2
c) 4:3
d) 3:4

89. The Lion Capital of Ashoka is taken from which place:
a) Sanchi
b) Sarnath
c) Lumbini
d) Bodh Gaya

90. In which year did the first war of Indian Independence take place?
a) 1857
b) 1757
c) 1947
d) 1919

91. In which year did the Quit India Movement take place?
a) 1920
b) 1930
c) 1942
d) 1947

92. In which year did the Civil Disobedience Movement take place?
a) 1919
b) 1922
c) 1930
d) 1942

Important MCQs of Indian History

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