The Rise of Nationalism in Europe MCQ – Nationalism in Europe became a powerful movement in the 19th century in Europe political and intellectual landscape. The multi national dynastic empires of Europe gave way to the nation state as a final outcome of these transformations.

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe MCQ (MCQPrime)
1. Giuseppe Mazzini an Italian revolutionary was born in _____________ in 1807.
a. Genoa
b. Milan
c. Florence
d. Rome
2. Which of the following is true Regarding Elle?
a. It was referred to as the cloth measurement.
b. Such a disparity in measurement was seen to be a barrier to trade.
c. Different locations’ elle of textile material will yield varying measurements of cloth.
d. All of the above
3. In the year of ____________, the Treaty of Constantinople was signed.
a. 1831
b. 1832
c. 1815
d. 1730
4. Which of the following is true regarding liberalism?
a. Market freedom regarding the flow of capital and products
b. Elimination of limitations set by the state
c. Options (a) and (b)
d. None of the above
5. Who said “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches a cold”?
a. Otto von Bismarch
b. Winston Churchill
c. Prince Klemens Wenzel von Metternich
d. Napoleon Bonaparte
6. The secret organization known as “Young Europe” was established in ____________ by Giuseppe Mazzini.
a. Marseilles
b. Florence
c. Berne
d. Genoa
7. The historic, well-established institutions of society and the state should be maintained, according to _____________.
a. Democrats
b. Conservatives
c. Liberals
d. None of the above
8. After signing the Treaty of _____________, the Bourbon dynasty—which had been overthrown during the French Revolution—was put back in charge.
a. Vienna
b. Versailles
c. Trianon
d. Marseilles
9. ____________ governments enforced censorship laws to regulate the expression of liberty and freedom in plays, music, newspapers, and other media.
a. Democratic
b. Federal
c. Liberal
d. Conservative
10. In the nineteenth century, _____________ became a major force that fundamentally altered European politics and thought.
a. Nationalism
b. Industrialization
c. Secularism
d. Enlightenment
11. The idea of La Patrie means ___________.
a. Fraternity
b. Liberty
c. Motherland
d. Homeland or Fatherland
12. Which of the following led to hostility in Europe toward the French armies?
a. Forced enlistment in the French military
b. Censorship
c. Uniform Laws
d. Options (a) & (b)
13. The ___________ empire ruled over a major portion of the Balkans, and after 1871, it became the main cause of nationalist unrest in Europe.
a. Prussian
b. Ottoman
c. Austro – Hungarian
d. Roman
14. French Revolutionary artists personified ____________ as a female figure.
a. Equality
b. Autocracy
c. Justice
d. Liberty
15. Which of the following definitions of the Napoleonic Code, often known as the Civil Code of 1804, is true?
a. Eliminated all privileges based on birth
b. Protected the Right to Property
c. Established Equality before the Law
d. All of the above
16. The aristocracy in Galicia spoke ___________ language.
a. German
b. Spanish
c. Hungarian
d. Polish
17. In a liberal democracy, the first political experiment was conducted in ____________.
a. Greece
b. Great Britain
c. France
d. Rome
18. The most significant aspect of liberalism for the European middle class was ____________.
a. Individual freedom and equality before law
b. Emphasis on aristocratic privilege
c. Economic equality
d. Preservation of traditional monarchies
19. ___________ saw the founding of the covert organization known as Young Italy.
a. Zurich
b. Marseilles
c. Napoleon Bonaparte
d. Camillo Cavour
20. Romanticism is the term for _____________.
a. Cultural movement
b. Scientific movement
c. Artistic movement
d. Political movement
21. The Napoleonic code was opposed by a lot of individuals because _____________.
a. It lacked suitability for everyone.
b. None of the above.
c. It destroy the privileges of the rulers.
d. Administrative changes did not align with political freedom.
22. Who hosted the Congress at Vienna in 1815.
a. Duke Metternich
b. Otto von Bismarck
c. King of the Netherlands
d. Alexander I of Russia
23. In Prussia, who was known as ‘Junkers’?
a. Landowners owners
b. Aristocratic nobles
c. The Common citizens
d. Large landowners
24. Who of the following was crowned as a first king of United Italy’s?
a. Wilhelm IV
b. Victor Emmanuel II
c. Giuseppe Mazzini
d. King George II
25. Which of the following myths about the Act of Union 1707 is incorrect?
a. It resulted from military conquest.
b. It was an agreement between England and Great Britain.
c. An agreement between England and Ireland.
d. It was a voluntary and equal partnership.
26. Which of the following locations hosted the Frankfurt Assembly?
a. at the palace of Paris.
b. Church of St. Paul.
c. Church of St. Peters.
d. Hall of Mirrors in the Versailles.
27. What was the meaning of the crown of oak leaves?
a. Victory
b. Fertility
c. Heroism
d. Wisdom
28. Which of the following kinds of government exist in France before the events of the 1789 Revolution?
a. Republic
b. Monarchy
c. Military
d. Parliamentary Democracy
29. From the following, who was referred to as “Colons”?
a. French farmers in Algeria
b. French soldiers during the Napoleonic Wars
c. French citizens living in Vietnam
d. European nobility
30. Which of the following states was under the control of an Italian princely house prior to Italy’s unification?
a. Venetia
b. Tuscany
c. Lombardy
d. Sardinia-Piedmont
31. Which of the following is true when Vienna Treaty was signed.
a. Established the League of Nations
b. they brought conservative governments back to power.
c. Ended World War I
d. Austria should form a new parliament.
32. Which of the following descriptions are false regarding Giuseppe Mazzini?
a. He want Italy to be a monarchy.
b. He played a leading role in establishing Young Italy, a secret society.
c. He advocated for a centralized democratic republic in Italy.
d. He later became the Prime Minister of Italy after unification.
33. Which treaty recognised Greece’s independence?
a. Treaty of Constantinople
b. Treaty of Trianon
c Treaty of Paris
d. Treaty of Lausanne
34. Zolleverin, which originated in Prussia in 1834 referred to as ___________.
a. A military alliance
b. Military Alliance
c. Customs Union
d. A religious reform
35. The Prussian Zollverein’s main purpose was to ____________.
a. Establish a military alliance
b. Advocate for religious reforms
c. abolish the tariff barrier.
d. Promote cultural exchange