Best 60+ Vedic Civilization MCQ

Vedic Civilization MCQ – The Early Vedic people were worshippers of the natural elements, including fire, rain, the sun, water, wind, thunder, and so on. As deities like as Indra, Agni, Surya, Varuna, Vayu, and so on, they personified them. They had a great deal of deities that they adored.

Vedic Civilization MCQ

Vedic Civilization MCQ

1. The word veda is taken from vid which means _.
A) to see
B) to know
C) to believe
D) to understand

2. The word veda means the sacred knowledge contained in the texts known as _.
A) Vedic texts
B) Upanishads
C) Smritis
D) Puranas

3. Two categories of texts included in the corpus of the Vedic literature are __.
A) Brahmanas and Aranyakas
B) Upanishads and Smritis
C) Vedas and Puranas
D) Smritis and Sutras

4. Another name for the four Vedas and their Brahmanas is _.
A) Shruti
B) Smriti
C) Vedanta
D) Darshanas

5. The Yajurveda is found in two recensions _.
A) Black and White
B) Rig and Sama
C) Krishna and Rig
D) Sukla and Sama

6. The authors of the Vedic hymns was _.
A) Brahmavadini
B) Rishi
C) Kshatriyas
D) Vaishyas

7. Aryans spoke __ language which later emerged into Sanskrit, Latin, and Greek.
A) Proto-Indo-European
B) Proto-Indo-Iranian
C) Dravidian
D) Avestan

8. Archaeological evidence of migrations originates from the Andronovo Culture, which is located in __.
A) Central Asia
B) South Asia
C) Eastern Europe
D) Near East

9. During the Aryan period between 1900 BC and 1500 BC, we get evidence like __.
A) Fire Altars
B) Pottery
C) Iron Tools
D) Harappan Seals

10. Vedic Aryans lived in sapta-sindhu which is known as __.
A) Seven Rivers
B) Seven Cities
C) Seven Hills
D) Seven Forests

11. The early Vedic Aryans were __.
A) Agriculturists
B) Nomads
C) Traders
D) City-dwellers

12. In the Vedic Aryan period, a wealthy person was known as _.
A) Gopati
B) Brahmana
C) Kshatriya
D) Vaisya

13. The word gaveshana literally means __.
A) Seeking the cow
B) Searching for knowledge
C) Agricultural practice
D) Religious ceremony

14. Vedic Aryan people know about agriculture and they produced _.
A) Wheat and Rice
B) Barley and Millets
C) Rice and Millets
D) Barley and Wheat

15. What are the other activities of Vedic Aryan people?
A) Pastoralism and Trade
B) Pottery and Sculpture
C) Construction and Architecture
D) Astronomy and Mathematics

16. The favoured medium of exchange product in Vedic Aryan time was _______.
A) Cattle
B) Grains
C) Gold Coins
D) Silver Coins

17. The main occupation of the Early Vedic Aryans was _________.
A) Pastoralism
B) Agriculture
C) Trade
D) Craftsmanship

18. The god __ acquires a new epithet ‘Lord of the Plough’ in this period.
A) Indra
B) Varuna
C) Agni
D) Balarama

19. Which of the following items is used for dana and dakshina?
A) Cattle and Gold
B) Grains and Cloth
C) Land and Horses
D) Gold and Land

20. Which of the following vegetable oils was used in Early Vedic Aryans time?
A) Mustard oil
B) Sesame oil
C) Coconut oil
D) Olive oil

21. A metal known by the Rigvedic people as __, which was either copper or bronze.
A) Gold
B) Silver
C) Iron
D) Ayas

22. Archaeology indicates that iron was initially used about _, which is also the time period for later Vedic literature.
A) 1000 BC
B) 1200 BC
C) 1500 BC
D) 500 BC

23. Why is the tila (sesame) such an important ceremonial component?
A) For its medicinal properties
B) For its use in cooking
C) For its purifying properties
D) For its economic value

24. During the Vedic period, the family belonged to a wider group known as _.
A) Janapada
B) Grama
C) Kula
D) Jana

25. A tribe’s membership in Vedic times was determined by _.
A) Wealth
B) Occupation
C) Birth
D) Merit

26. The first line of distinction between Vedic and non-Vedic individuals was __.
A) Language
B) Religion
C) Occupation
D) Geography

27. Which three groups comprise the Rigvedic tribe?
A) Warriors, Priests, and Commoners
B) Priests, Artisans, and Farmers
C) Kings, Warriors, and Merchants
D) Nobles, Priests, and Peasants

28. Was there an egalitarian aspect to the Early Vedic society?
A) Yes
B) No

29. On what basis was the Early Vedic society divided?
A) Wealth
B) Profession
C) Age and Gender
D) Birth

30. Which era was the arrival of the gotra?
A) Rigvedic
B) Later Vedic
C) Mauryan
D) Gupta

31. The _ were the four varnas into which society eventually broke.
A) Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras
B) Priests, Warriors, Merchants, Laborers
C) Nobles, Commoners, Servants, Slaves
D) Scholars, Soldiers, Farmers, Artisans

32. Why did the heads of the tribes form yajnas?
A) To entertain the people
B) To assert their power and seek divine support
C) For educational purposes
D) To collect taxes

33. Why did the Rigvedic people respect their god Pushan?
A) He was the god of war
B) He was the god of trade
C) He was the god of agriculture
D) He was the god of safe travels and cattle

34. The Aryans’ primary social unit was referred to as __.
A) Kula
B) Varna
C) Jati
D) Gotra

35. Why Sabha and Samiti were important for Vedic people.
A) They were legislative bodies
B) They were judicial bodies
C) They were centers for trade
D) They were the principal assemblies and had important roles in governance

36. What was the rajan’s primary purpose?
A) To act as a priest
B) To lead in wars
C) To conduct sacrifices
D) To govern and protect the people

37. Why did the Later Vedic period witness a reduction in the authority of common assemblies?
A) Due to the rise of monarchies
B) Due to external invasions
C) Due to the increase in population
D) Due to economic crises

38. The origin of Ayurveda is an _.
A) China
B) India
C) Greece
D) Egypt

39. During the Vedic era, two well-known assemblies were _.
A) Sabha and Vidatha
B) Sabha and Samiti
C) Samiti and Gana
D) Gana and Vidatha

40. The _ governed the Rigvedic Aryans.
A) King
B) Tribal chieftain known as the Rajan
C) Priest
D) Warrior

41. The purpose of the Varna system in the early Vedic era was __.
A) Birth
B) Occupation and qualities
C) Wealth
D) Education

42. The _ was the most significant craftsmen throughout the Vedic era.
A) Potter
B) Carpenter
C) Blacksmith
D) Weaver

43. This is the only Veda that has been adapted to music.
A) Rigveda
B) Samaveda
C) Yajurveda
D) Atharvaveda

44. Where did the well-known “Gayatri Mantra” originate?
A) Rigveda
B) Samaveda
C) Yajurveda
D) Atharvaveda

45. Treatises known as _ developed the Upanishads apart from the Brahmanas.
A) Aranyakas
B) Vedangas
C) Smritis
D) Sutras

46. The Vedic deity Indra was the god of __.
A) Fire
B) Rain and Thunder
C) Sun
D) Wind

47. During the later Vedic period, who was the God of Animals?
A) Agni
B) Varuna
C) Indra
D) Pushan

48. The books of the Upanishads are a collection of writings about _.
A) Rituals
B) Philosophy and Spirituality
C) History
D) Medicine

49. The Vedic Aryans’ main source of food was __.
A) Rice
B) Barley
C) Wheat
D) Millets

50. The terms Dasas and Dasyus in the Rigveda refer to __.
A) Gods
B) Friendly tribes
C) Enemy tribes
D) Animals

51. Who put together “The Panchatantra”‘s stories?
A) Valmiki
B) Vyasa
C) Vishnu Sharma
D) Kalidasa

52. The __ describes the procedures that underpin Hindu social sacraments like marriage and other unions.
A) Upanishads

B) Smritis
C) Grihya Sutras
D) Brahmanas

53. Which of the following texts from Veda contains the “Sanskaras” from the moment of creation to death?
A) Brahmanas
B) Aranyakas
C) Smritis
D) Grihya Sutras

55. The Vedic culture flourished by the _ river.
A) Ganga
B) Yamuna
C) Saraswati
D) Indus

56. The name of the Veda that addresses rituals is _.
A) Rigveda
B) Samaveda
C) Yajurveda
D) Atharvaveda

57. During the Later Vedic Age, _ was the centre of Aryan culture.
A) Punjab
B) Uttar Pradesh
C) Rajasthan
D) Madhya Pradesh

58. According to Vedic literature, the ruler receives a levy from the people called __.
A) Bali
B) Vidatha
C) Dakshina
D) Bhaga

59. Which of the three Gods had the most significance throughout the Rigvedic era?
A) Indra, Agni, and Varuna
B) Indra, Agni, and Vishnu
C) Indra, Varuna, and Soma
D) Agni, Soma, and Vishnu

60. Who Were the Varadapatis of the Early Vedic Period?
A) The leader of the family
B) The leader of a village
C) The leader of a tribe
D) The chief priest

Important MCQs of Indian History

Frequently Asked Questions

Which civilization did Vedic culture evolved from Mcq?

The Vedic Civilization and Culture was the next great civilization and culture to flourish after the Indus Valley Civilization. The civilization was founded by the Aryans.

Which is the earliest Veda Mcq?

Of the four Vedas, the Rig Veda is the oldest.

What is known as Vedic Civilization?

The Vedic Era encompassed the years 1500 BC until 600 BC. This is the second major civilization to flourish in ancient India after the Indus Valley Civilization collapsed around 1400 BC. The Vedas were composed during this era, which is how this age received its name. The Vedas are also the primary source of information regarding this historical era.

Which religion do the Vedas belong to Mcqs?

The Vedas are thought to be the oldest holy scripture in Hinduism.

Which Veda is oldest?

The earliest of the Vedas, the holy books of Hinduism, is the Rig Veda. Its meaning is “Verses’ Knowledge.” The Rig Veda is a collection of 1028 poetry written in Sanskrit and organized into ten circles, or mandalas, circa 1500 BC. Every Mandala has a hymn, or sukta.

Who is first god in Rigveda?

Indra was the most important god of the Rigveda. During the Rig Vedic era, he was the main deity. He was also referred to as the lord of heaven and the king of gods.

Who is first god?

The first of the Hindu group, or trimurti, is Brahma. The world was created, maintained, and destroyed by the triumvirate, which is made up of three gods. The other two deities are Shiva and Vishnu. Shiva’s job is to destroy the universe so that it can be recreated, but Vishnu is the one who protects it.

Who is the first man in the Vedas?

It’s Manu. That’s accurate! In Hindu mythology, Manu is regarded as the first human.

Who is the Lord of death?

The Hindu god of death and justice, Yama (Sanskrit: यम), also called Kala and Dharmaraja, is in charge of enforcing the law and punishing transgressors at his home of Naraka.

Who is the father of all Vedas?

The reason behind Vyasa’s birth name, Krishna Dvaipayana, could be his birthplace and dark skin. However, the term “Veda Vyasa” (Veda Vyāsa) is more widely known due to his compilation of the four books (Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda) that comprise the one, everlasting Veda.

Who invented Vedic?

Between AD 1911 and 1918, Shri Bharathi Krishna Tirthaji made the discovery of Vedic mathematics. Vedic Mathematics is an age-old method of computation that includes a number of methods and sutras to help solve mathematical issues quickly and easily.

Who wrote Puranas?

Legend has it that Vyasa, the Mahabharata narrator, is the one who put together the Puranas. According to old customs, there was only ever one Purana at first.

Who wrote Rigveda?

Ved Vyasa is credited in Puranic tradition with compiling all four Vedas, the Mahabharata, and the Puranas. Paila began the oral tradition when Vyasa taught her the Rigveda Samhita.

Who wrote Upanishads?

The majority of the Upanishads are unidentified authors. According to Radhakrishnan, “almost all the early literature of India was anonymous, we do not know the names of the authors of the Upanishads” .

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