Best 22+ Colonization and Imperialism MCQ

Colonization and Imperialism MCQ – The process of splitting an area into colonies in order to take physical control of such parts is known as colonialism. The political or economic subjugation of a country by another by force, whether gentle or strong, is known as imperialism.

Colonization and Imperialism MCQ – (MCQPrime)

  1. Which one is the most important geographical factor played an important role in the age of exploration.
    a. Mountain ranges
    b. Rivers
    c. Oceans and sea routes
    d. Deserts
  1. Which empire worked as a middleman in the spice trade before the Ottoman Empire?
    a. Roman Empire
    b. Persian Empire
    c. Byzantine Empire
    d. Ottoman Empire
  1. In 1453 which even had a significant impact on the sear routes to the East?
    a. Battle of Plassey
    b. Battle of Lepanto
    c. Siege of Vienna
    d. Ottoman Empire defeating the Byzantine Empire
  1. In colonies time which European power dominated North America.
    a. Britain
    b. France
    c. Spain
    d. Portugal

Colonization and Imperialism MCQ

  1. What period is known as the “Age of Discovery” around the 15th century?
    a. Renaissance
    b. Industrial Revolution
    c. Age of Enlightenment
    d. Age of Discovery
  1. What does colonization mean?
    a. Establishment of colonies only
    b. Exploitation of resources only
    c. Acquisition of territories only
    d. Establishment, exploitation, maintenance, acquisition, and expansion of colonies
  1. Which explorers made voyages to the American continent during the 15th century?
    a. Marco Polo and Vasco da Gama
    b. Christopher Columbus and Francisco Pizzaro
    c. Ferdinand Magellan and John Cabot
    d. Hernan Cortes and John Smith
  1. How do you describe colonization in the term of relationships?
    a. Equal relationships
    b. Unequal relationships
    c. Mutually beneficial relationships
    d. Cooperative relationships
  1. Which ancient empires can be regarded as predecessors of colonial practice in the early ages?
    a. Persian and Greek Empires
    b. Ottoman and Mughal Empires
    c. Roman and Byzantine Empires
    d. Egyptian and Babylonian Empires

Colonization and Imperialism MCQ

  1. What was the primary goal of the Assyrian and Roman empires in the early ages?
    a. Cultural domination and resource exploitation
    b. Religious harmony
    c. Scientific advancements
    d. Social equality
  1. What were the main economic motivations for European countries to establish colonies?
    a. Cultural exchange
    b. Economic benefits
    c. Religious freedom
    d. Political alliance
  1. Which policy influenced the establishment of colonies by economic development of the mother country?
    a. Imperialism
    b. Capitalism
    c. Mercantilism
    d. Feudalism
  1. European powers __ contributed to the competitive nature of colonialism.
    a. Collaboration for mutual benefit
    b. National pride
    c. Isolationist policies
    d. Religious unity
  1. Which term refers to the exchange of plants, animals, culture, and technology between the New World and the Old World?
    a. Globalization
    b. Imperial Exchange
    c. Columbian Exchange
    d. Trade Renaissance

Colonization and Imperialism MCQ

  1. In the 17th and 18th centuries Japan expelled Europeans from the country and allowed only one nation to trade at Nagasaki. Which nation was permitted to trade during this period?
    a. Spain
    b. England
    c. Portugal
    d. The Netherlands
  1. __________ led to the independence of the erstwhile colonies after World War II?
    a. Economic prosperity
    b. Local independence movements
    c. Technological advancements
    d. Military alliances
  1. Which nation was defeated by Japan during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 to1895, which gave it authority over its first colonies, Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands?
    a. Russia
    b. China
    c. England
    d. France
  1. What was the main reason to reverse its policy in Japan in the mid 19th century?
    a. Religious motives
    b. Fear of domination by foreign countries
    c. Technological advancements
    d. Cultural exchange
  1. Which is known as the beginning of Japan modernization and the end of feudal rule.
    a. Meiji Restoration
    b. Russo-Japanese War
    c. Sino-Japanese War
    d. Tokugawa Shogunate

Colonization and Imperialism MCQ

  1. Which of the following models did Japan adopt during the Meiji Restoration, with the emperor as the head.
    a. British model
    b. French model
    c. Prussian model
    d. American model
  1. What were the three focuses areas for the colonization of America, Africa and Asia?
    a. Salt, Silver, and Silk
    b. Gold, Glory, and God
    c. Land, Labor, and Liberty
    d. Trade, Tribute, and Territory
  1. In the colonization period what did the GOLD represent?
    a. Monetary wealth
    b. Recognition as a world hegemon
    c. Promotion of Christianity
    d. Cultural exchange
  1. When did modern colonialism begin?
    a. 12th century
    b. 15th century
    c. 18th century
    d. 20th century

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