Best 15+ Unification of Germany MCQ

Unification of Germany MCQ – The influence of Bismark, the strength of the Prussian economy, Austria’s fall, and Prussia’s military might are the four main causes of Germany’s unification. One of the primary drivers of Germany’s unification was Prussia’s economic might.

Unification of Germany MCQ – (MCQPrime)

1. What was the main factor influencing the redrawing of political boundaries in Europe throughout the 1800s?
a. Economic reforms
b. Cultural diversity
c. Nationalism
d. Religious conflicts

2. Which phrase characterises the emergence of independent united nations founded on a common nationality?
a. Imperialism
b. Feudalism
c. Nationalism
d. Colonialism

3. Which nation-states emerged in the 19th century as a result of nationalism?
a. Ottoman Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire
b. France and Spain
c. Germany and Italy
d. England and Scotland

4. Which German thinkers rejected universalism and started talking in terms of German nationalism?
a. John
b. Herder
c. Hegel
d. Fichte

Unification of Germany MCQ

5. What role did the industrial revolution play in the unification of Germany?
a. It hindered the unification process
b. It had no impact on unification
c. It played a important role in the unification
d. It delayed the unification

6. What is the main aim of Bismarck policy of “Blood and Iron”.
a. To encourage democratic reforms
b. To preserve the interests of the landed aristocracy and military domination
c. To promote cultural diversity
d. To support economic isolation

7. Which of the following was the architect for Germany unification?
a. Otto Von Bismarck
b. William I
c. Frederick III
d. William II

8. According to John Keynes what policy was applied to unifying Germany?
a. The policy of “Blood and Iron”
b. The policy of “Coal and Iron”
c. The policy of cultural assimilation
d. The policy of diplomatic negotiations

9. What role did Bismarck play in provoking the Franco Prussian war in 1870.
a. He supported French King Louis Bonaparte
b. He aimed to divert attention from political issues in Germany
c. He wanted to establish a democratic republic in France
d. He encouraged peaceful negotiations with France

Unification of Germany MCQ

10. Who played an important role in unification of Germany and followed the policy of “Blood and Iron”.
a. Napoleon III
b. Bismarck
c. Louis Bonaparte
d. Hegel

11. What was the role of the Vienna Congress in the division of Germany.
a. It united Germany
b. It divided Germany into 39 states
c. It supported German Confederation
d. It excluded Austria from German affairs

12. What was the 19th century German states feeling of cultural unity?
a. Cultural diversity
b. Religious conflicts
c. Protestant movement and the translation of the Bible into German by Martin Luther
d. Influence of foreign cultures

13. The Vienna Congress divided the German region in __________ small states.
a. 39 Small states
b. 32 Small states
c. 42 Small states
d. 25 Small states

14. What is the main purpose of making the German states stronger after the Vienna Congress?
a. To encourage them to unite
b. To maintain the balance of power
c. To weaken them for easy control
d. To ensure cultural diversity

Unification of Germany MCQ

15. Which foreign power had influence in the southern part of Germany?
a. Russia
b. France
c. Britain
d. Italy

16. What is the important role Austria played in Germany after the Vienna Congress?
a. Austria supported the unification of German states
b. Austria was designated as the German region’s guardian.
c. Austria had no interest in the German region
d. Austria was weakened and excluded from German affairs

17. What was the important role in the development of brotherhood among German states during the war against Napoleon?
a. Economic reforms
b. Cultural factors and ideology
c. Military alliances
d. Industrial revolution

18. Industrialisation began in which one of the following European countries in the second half of the eighteenth century?
a. Germany
b. France
c. Italy
d. England

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