Best 22+ Bronze Age MCQ

Bronze Age MCQ – The Bronze Age also denotes a period in human history when metal technologies replaced bone, wood, and stone in tools and weapons. While the exact dates of the Bronze Age vary depending on the location, most historians agree that it started around 3300 BCE and continued until roughly 1200 BCE.

Bronze Age MCQ

Bronze Age MCQ

1. Which group of Mesopotamians developed bronze?
A) Sumerians
B) Akkadians
C) Babylonians
D) Assyrians

2. By 3,000 BCE, goods was being transported by __ across the peninsula of the mountain regions and along the coast.
A) Chariots
B) Camels
C) Boats
D) Horses

3. One of the most important crops was _________.
A) Wheat
B) Corn
C) Rice
D) Potatoes

4. Why was copper used by the then strongest empire of Mesopotamia?
A) For decoration
B) For cooking utensils
C) For making weapons and tools
D) For currency

Bronze Age MCQ

5. The Bronze Age was situated between which two eras?
A) Stone Age and Iron Age
B) Iron Age and Medieval Age
C) Neolithic and Iron Age
D) Paleolithic and Neolithic

6. Bronze is created by combining copper with what?
A) Zinc
B) Tin
C) Lead
D) Silver

7. The Bronze Age comes after the _.
A) Stone Age
B) Iron Age
C) Copper Age
D) Neolithic Age

8. The period known as the Bronze Age began around _.
A) 5000 BCE
B) 3300 BCE
C) 2500 BCE
D) 1200 BCE

9. Stone was progressively replaced by _ during the Bronze Age.
A) Iron
B) Bronze
C) Wood
D) Copper

Bronze Age MCQ

10. In the Bronze Age, bronze was made by melting _.
A) Copper and zinc
B) Copper and tin
C) Tin and silver
D) Iron and carbon

11. The most exciting finds in the Bronze Age are _.
A) Pottery
B) Tombs
C) Tools and weapons
D) Jewelry

12. How many fragments of copper block were found in the Bronze Age?
A) Less than 100
B) Several hundred
C) More than 1000
D) Exactly 500

13. The fragments of copper blocks are called _.
A) Ingots
B) Chunks
C) Slabs
D) Pieces

14. In the Bronze Age, arm rings are called _.
A) Bracers
B) Cuffs
C) Bangles
D) Torcs

Bronze Age MCQ

15. Which of the following best describes the largest Bronze Age civilization?
A) The Hittites
B) The Indus Valley Civilization
C) Ancient Egypt
D) The Mycenaean Civilization

16. The functions of the rivers during the Bronze Age were _.
A) Transportation and trade
B) Defense and recreation
C) Fishing and leisure
D) Worship and rituals

17. Bronze was made by mixing _.
A) Copper and tin
B) Copper and zinc
C) Iron and carbon
D) Silver and gold

18. Bronze is stronger than Copper.
A) True
B) False

19. After 1200 BCE, the new metal that transformed ancient battle was __________.
A) Bronze
B) Iron
C) Steel
D) Titanium

Bronze Age MCQ

20. Bronze Age civilizations were characterized by _________.
A) Advanced urban planning
B) Complex social hierarchies
C) Monumental architecture
D) All of the above

21. Bronze Age tools and weapons were typically made using _________.
A) Stone molds
B) Wooden molds
C) Clay molds
D) Metal molds

22. In Bronze Age people were _.
a. Built ther permanent huts
b. Began to settle in one place
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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