Best 25+ Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz

Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz – Napoleon Bonaparte is also known as Napoleon I or Emperor of France. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769. Napoleon came from a wealthy family from Italy rather than France. Napoleon grew up in a large house and had very little money. Napoleon was sent to Brienne-le-Chateau which was the military boarding school at the age of ten.

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Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte is also known as ____________.
    a. Napoleon I
    b. Napoleon II
    c. Napoleon III
    d. Napoleon IV

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte was a ___________.
    a. American Military Leader
    b. French Military Leader
    c. Both a) and b)
    d. None of the above

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte born on the island of ___________.
    a. Corsica
    b. Golfe-Juan
    c. Versailles
    d. None of the above

  1. The battle of Waterloo was fought between _________.
    a. India and China
    b. Britain and France
    c. Britain and Russia
    d. None of the above

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte was born into an ____________.
    a. Noble Family
    b. Aristocratic Family
    c. Middle class Family
    d. None of the above

Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte joined the French artillery as a Second Lieutenant at the age of __________.
    a. 15 years
    b. 16 years
    c. 17 years
    d. 18 years

  1. In which year Napoleon declared himself to be the Emperor of France.
    a. 1801
    b. 1802
    c. 1803
    d. 1804

  1. On the _____________ Napoleon crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I at Notre Dame de Paris.
    a. 1800
    b. 1802
    c. 1804
    d. 1806

  1. What was the main factor behind Napoleon’s rise to power in 1799.
    a. Economic reforms
    b. Religious Support
    c. Military innovations
    d. None of the above

  1. What significant role was played by Napoleon to modernize the French Education System.
    a. Reduced funding for education
    b. Imposed military discipline
    c. Abolished it
    d. None of the above

Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz

  1. Why the French government is unstable and corrupt in 1799.
    a. Political unrest
    b. Religious conflicts
    c. Economic instability
    d. None of the above

  1. What is the name of Napoleon’s brother who became the king of Spain in 1808.
    a. Joseph
    b. Juliette
    c. Chloe
    d. Elise

  1. In 1815, Napoleon was defeated in __________.
    a. Battle of Waterloo
    b. Battle of Austerlitz
    c. Battle of Jena
    d. None of the above

  1. What was the original name of the Napoleonic Code?
    a. French Civil Code
    b. Code of Monarchs
    c. Napoleonic Legal Character
    d. None of the above

  1. The king’s power originates from, according to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
    a. The God
    b. The Military
    c. The people
    d. All of the above

Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz

  1. When the Napoleonic Code was implemented.
    a. 21 March 1882
    b. 21 March 1883
    c. 21 March 1884
    d. 21 March 1885

  1. What was the occupation of Napoleon’s father?
    a. Farmer
    b. Attorney
    c. Teacher
    d. Sales Man

  1. Why the siege of Toulon is important for Napoleon.
    a. To make political career
    b. To showcase the military talent
    c. To establishment of Napoleonic Code
    d. None of the above

  1. How does Napoleon monitor the department?
    a. Though local governors
    b. Prefect appointed by Napoleon
    c. Through Chief Justice
    d. None of the above

  1. What are the key concepts of the Napoleonic Code?
    a. Freedom of religion
    b. Separation of Church and state
    c. Freedom to work in any occupation
    d. All of the above

Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz

  1. What was Napoleon’s thought about equality?
    a. He used it selectively for political advantage
    b. He saw it as a threat to his power
    c. He rejected it as politically useless
    d. None of the above

  1. What steps did Napoleon take to establish all men equal under the law.
    a. Civil Liberties
    b. Social Reforms
    c. Civil Law Codes
    d. Military Codes

  1. When Napoleon returned to France in 1799, where did he left his army?
    a. Great Britain
    b. Egypt
    c. Rusia
    d. None of the above

  1. The representative government of France was ineffective as it did not have the support of _____________.
    a. The nobility
    b. The king
    c. The Church
    d. The people

  1. How many Articles are drafted in the Napoleonic Code.
    a. 1281
    b. 2281
    c. 3281
    d. 4281

Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz

  1. What are the flaws in the Napoleonic Code?
    a. The women could not vote
    b. Husbands had complete control over their wives
    c. Women should not be allowed to have much influence in a society
    d. All of the above

  1. How Judges are appointed in the Napoleon administration.
    a. By popular vote
    b. Appointed by State Council
    c. Appointed by the government with security of tenure
    d. Elected by the people

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