Data Science MCQ – Data scientist use algorithm, data mining and machine learning to analyze and interpret vast volumes of data from the different sources.

Data Science MCQ
- Which of the following is a part of Data Science?
a. Data Collection
b. Data Analysis
c. Data Visualization
d. Data Cleaning
- Which action is followed by a data scientist after collecting the data?
a. Data Storage
b. Data Cleaning
c. Data Visualization
d. Data Preprocessing
- Which of the following is NOT a data science application?
a. Predicting Stock Prices
b. Image Recognition
c. Generating Random Numbers
d. Fraud Detection
- Which model is frequently used as the benchmark for data analysis?
a. Support Vector Machine
b. Decision Tree
c. Linear Regression
d. Random Forest
- Which language is commonly used in data science?
a. Java
b. C++
c. R
d. Python
- Which action follows the collection of the data is carried out by a data scientist?
a. Data Cleaning
b. Data Integration
c. Data Replication
d. All of the above
- Which one of the following focuses the identification of properties in the data?
a. Data mining
b. Big Data
c. Data wrangling
d. Machine Learning
- Data can be categorized into _______ groups.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
- A structured data representation is known as __________.
a. Database table
b. Functions
c. Data preparation
d. Data frame
- To tell Python that we want to activate the mean function from the Numpy package, we write __ in front of the mean.
a. npm.
b. np.
c. ng.
d. ngm.
- Which of the following machine learning algorithms depends on the concept of bagging?
a. K-means
b. Naive Bayes
c. Random Forest
d. Support Vector Machine
- Which of the following is essential components of data science?
a. Data Collection, Data Cleaning, Data Analysis
b. Data Visualization, Data Modeling, Data Deployment
c. Data Storage, Data Retrieval, Data Deletion
d. Data Mining, Data Entry, Data Replication
- What step in the data science process are NOT included?
a. Data Collection
b. Data Analysis
c. Quantum Computing
d. Data Visualization
- How many groups can data be categorized into?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
- Unstructured data is not organized.
a. True
b. False
- Column representation of data is know as __________.
a. Horizontal
b. Diagonal
c. Vertical
d. Top
- Only one time raw data can be processed.
a. True
b. False
- What is the common goal of statistical modeling?
a. Inference
b. Summarizing
c. Subsetting
d. None of the above
- Census data is analysis when the causal data is accured.
a. True
b. False
- Which of the following models serves as the industry standard when it comes to data analysis?
a. Inferential
b. Descriptive
c. Causal
d. All of the above
- Which of the following is a revision control system?
a. Git
b. Numpy
c. Scipy
d. Slidify
- Which of the following is disadvantage of decision trees.
a. They can easily overfit the data.
b. They are not suitable for classification.
c. They are computationally expensive.
d. They have high bias and low variance.
- Which of the following is not a part of supervised learning?
a. Linear Regression
b. K-means Clustering
c. Decision Tree Classification
d. Support Vector Machine
- Determine the clustering technique that handles data variance.
a. Hierarchical Clustering
b. K-means Clustering
d. Agglomerative Clustering
- Which of the following options focuses on the discovery of unknown properties in the data.
a. Supervised Learning
b. Unsupervised Learning
c. Reinforcement Learning
d. Deep Learning
- Inference engines work on the ____________ principle.
a. Inductive Reasoning
b. Deductive Reasoning
c. Abductive Reasoning
d. Bayesian Reasoning
- Components of an expert system are?
a. Knowledge Base, Inference Engine, User Interface
b. Data Storage, Data Processing, Data Visualization
c. Sensors, Actuators, Logic Gates
d. Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data Cleaning
- How many different kinds of observing environments exist?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
- What is another term for data dredging?
a. Data Snooping
b. Data Mining
c. Data Analysis
d. Data Cleansing
- Which of the following algorithms uses the least memory out of the options provided?
a. Random Forest
b. Decision Tree
c. k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
d. Naive Bayes
- What are different machine learning methods?
a. Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning
b. Data Cleaning, Data Analysis, Data Visualization
c. Neural Networks, Decision Trees, Regression
d. Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics
- The different types of machine learning are?
a. Regression, Classification, Clustering
b. Data Cleaning, Data Analysis, Data Visualization
c. Neural Networks, Decision Trees, Random Forest
d. Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning
- Which generation of computers are related with artificial intelligence?
a. First Generation
b. Second Generation
c. Third Generation
d. Fifth Generation
- Which of the following is essential data science skill?
a. Data Collection
b. Data Analysis
c. Data Visualization
d. Data Cleaning
- Which action follows the collection of the data is carried out by a data scientist?
a. Data Storage
b. Data Cleaning
c. Data Visualization
d. Data Preprocessing
- Which of the following is NOT a data science application?
a. Predicting Stock Prices
b. Image Recognition
c. Generating Random Numbers
d. Fraud Detection
- What is the main objective of data preprocessing in data science?
a. To make the data fit on a single computer
b. To remove outliers from the data
c. To transform raw data into a usable format
d. To create visualizations of the data
- Which of the following Python libraries is most frequently used for data analysis and manipulation?
a. TensorFlow
b. Keras
c. Pandas
d. Matplotlib
- What is the acronym for PEAS?
a. Programming, Engineering, Algorithms, Systems
b. Performance measure, Environment, Actuators, Sensors
c. Processing, Evaluation, Analysis, Synthesis
d. Programming, Evaluation, Algorithms, Synthesis
- Which of the foloowing model usally a gold standard for data analysis.
a. Logistic Regression
b. Decision Tree
c. Linear Regression
d. Naive Bayes
- Data fishing is also known as ____________.
a. Data Snooping
b. Data Mining
c. Data Analysis
d. Data Cleansing
- CLI stands for____________.
a. Command Line Instruction
b. Command Line Integration
c. Command Line Interface
d. Command Line Interpretation
- Time differences represented in various units are referred to as time deltas.
a. True
b. False
- Which of the following DOES NOT constitute an appropriate data science application in the healthcare industry?
a. Predicting Disease Outcomes
b. Drug Discovery
c. Image-Based Diagnosis
d. Stock Market Prediction
- Identify which CLI command is incorrect.
a. cd myfolder
b. ls -l
c. RUN
d. mkdir newfolder
- Total principles of analytical graphs that exist are ______________.
a. Five
b. Seven
c. The number may vary
d. Ten
- Knowledge in AI represented as ____________.
a. Rules
b. Equations
c. Images
d. Colors
- Which of the SGD variations below depends on both momentum and adaptive learning?
a. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
b. AdaGrad
c. Adam (Adaptive Moment Estimation)
d. RMSprop
- Which output of an activation function is zero-centered?
a. Sigmoid
b. ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)
c. Tanh (Hyperbolic Tangent)
d. Leaky ReLU
- Which of the following logic operations cannot be carried out by a two-input perceptron?
a. AND
b. OR
c. NOT
d. XOR
- Which of the following method used to train and test the model based on data point in ML.
a. Validation data
b. Test data
c. Training data
d. Unlabeled data
- Which of the following represents a machine learning classification problem?
a. Predicting stock prices
b. Image recognition
c. Sentiment analysis
d. Regression analysis
- What does “overfitting” mean in machine learning?
a. The model performs on the training data but poorly on new or unseen data.
b. The model has few parameters.
c. The model cannot fit on the training data.
d. The model performs equally well on training and test data.
- For classification and regression tasks which of the following Bayes theorem is used in Machine Learning algorithm?
a. k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
b. Decision Trees
c. Naive Bayes
d. Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- What is the main objective of machine learning dimensionality reduction techniques?
a. To increase the number of features in the data
b. To reduce the number of features in the data while preserving important information
c. To make the data more complex
d. To create new features from existing ones
- What does “SQL” stand for when referring to databases and data science?
a. Structured Query Language
b. Sequential Query Logic
c. Simple Query Layer
d. Standardized Query Line
- Which type of data having a fixed data structure with rows and columns?
a. Unstructured data
b. Semi-structured data
c. Structured data
d. NoSQL data
- Which Machine Learning Library is not a part of python.
a. NumPy
b. Scikit-learn
c. TensorFlow
d. Matplotlib
- What is the main objective for collecting data for data analysis?
a. To increase the size of the dataset
b. To reduce the dimensionality of the dataset
c. To select a representative subset of the data
d. To remove missing values from the dataset
- In data science, what is the main objective of data preprocessing?
a. To collect more data
b. To visualize data
c. To prepare and clean data for analysis
d. To build machine learning models
- Which programming language is used in data science for data analysis and data manipulation?
a. Java
b. Python
c. C++
d. Ruby
- What does exploratory data analysis (EDA) do in data science?
a. To build predictive models
b. To visualize data
c. To clean data
d. To deploy machine learning algorithms
- Which of the following is not a of data type in Data Science?
a. Integer
b. Float
c. String
d. Loop
- What does data science use to translate category data into numerical values?
a. Data visualization
b. Data preprocessing
c. Data transformation
d. Data exploration
- Which statistical metric in data science best captures the central tendency of a dataset?
a. Standard deviation
b. Range
c. Mean
d. Variance
- What is the function of feature engineering in data science?
a. To design new machine learning algorithms
b. To create visualizations
c. To transform raw data into informative features for modeling
d. To build data pipelines
- What is the most popular data visualization tool in data science for producing interactive and dynamic visualizations?
a. Matplotlib
b. Seaborn
c. Tableau
d. Pandas
- What is machine learning’s main objective in data science?
a. To explore data
b. To build predictive models and make predictions
c. To clean and preprocess data
d. To visualize data
- Which of the following supervised learning algorithms is utilized in data science for classification tasks?
a. k-Means
b. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
c. Random Forest
d. Hierarchical Clustering
- What is the main goal of data science clustering algorithms?
a. To classify data into predefined categories
b. To reduce the dimensionality of data
c. To group similar data points based on their characteristics
d. To perform regression analysis
- Which Python data structure is frequently used in data science to store and manipulate tabular data?
a. List
b. Dictionary
c. DataFrame (from pandas)
d. Array
- What is the main objective of hypothesis testing in data science?
a. To make predictions
b. To explore data
c. To test if a hypothesis about a population is supported by sample data
d. To perform clustering
- Which data science method includes developing a model on one set of data and analyzing its performance on an other, separate set of data?
a. Cross check validation
b. Feature validation
c. Hypothesis validation
d. Holdout validation
- Which data science method uses existing data patterns to fill missing values in a dataset?
a. Feature selection
b. Data visualization
c. Data cleaning
d. Missing data imputation
- In natural language processing applications use which of the following text categorization and sentiment analysis algorithms?
a. k-Means
b. Linear Regression
c. Support Vector Machine (SVM)
d. Naive Bayes
- What is the main objective of dimensionality reduction methods in data science similar to Principal Component Analysis (PCA)?
a. To increase the number of features
b. To add noise to the data
c. To reduce the dimensionality of data while preserving important information
d. To overfit the data
- Which data science procedure involves to converting data into a format appropriate for modeling or analysis?
a. Feature engineering
b. Data preprocessing
c. Data visualization
d. Hypothesis testing
- What is the main objective of time series analysis in data science?
a. To classify data
b. To predict future values based on past observations
c. To perform clustering
d. To visualize data
- Which data science method divides a dataset into training and testing sets to assess the performance of a model?
a. Feature engineering
b. Cross-validation
c. Hypothesis testing
d. Train-test split
- What is the objective of cross-validation in data science?
a. To preprocess data
b. To perform clustering
c. To evaluate the performance of a machine learning model on multiple subsets of the data
d. To visualize data
- What is a data scientist’s main objective when performing A/B testing?
a. To visualize data
b. To explore data
c. To test the impact of a change or treatment on a specific metric
d. To perform clustering
- What data science method evaluates the significance of characteristics in a machine learning model?
a. Hypothesis testing
b. Feature selection
c. Data cleaning
d. Cross-validation
- What is the main objective of anomaly detection in data science?
a. To identify unusual or suspicious patterns in data
b. To clean and preprocess data
c. To perform regression analysis
d. To visualize data
- What data science method reduces the influence of outliers in a dataset?
a. Data visualization
b. Data cleaning
c. Data transformation
d. Robust scaling
- In data science, what is the main objective of data transformation?
a. To increase the dimensionality of data
b. To add noise to the data
c. To convert data into a more suitable format for analysis or modeling
d. To perform feature engineering
- What role does a histogram play in data science?
a. To visualize data
b. To evaluate model performance
c. To preprocess data
d. To perform clustering
- Which data science method includes identifying relationships or trends in massive datasets?
a. Clustering
b. Association rule mining
c. Time series analysis
d. Data cleaning
- In data science, what is the main objective of data imputation?
a. To introduce noise to the data
b. To visualize data
c. To replace missing values in a dataset
d. To perform clustering
- What is the main objective of data integration in data science?
a. To divide a dataset into training and testing sets
b. To preprocess data
c. To combine data from multiple sources into a unified dataset
d. To perform feature engineering
- Which of the following is a standard R library for data analysis and manipulation?
a. Pandas
b. Scikit-Learn
c. ggplot2
d. Keras
- What is the main reason that data augmentation is used in data science, particularly in computer vision tasks?
a. To increase the size of the dataset
b. To reduce model complexity
c. To perform feature engineering
d. To remove outliers from the data
- What is the main objective of time complexity analysis in data science?
a. To explore data
b. To evaluate model performance
c. To analyze the efficiency of algorithms in terms of their running time
d. To visualize data
- Which of the following approaches is typically used to handle class imbalance in data science classification tasks?
a. Oversampling the majority class
b. Undersampling the minority class
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B
- In data science, what is the main objective of data munging (data wrangling)?
a. To create data visualizations
b. To clean and prepare raw data for analysis
c. To perform feature selection
d. To evaluate model performance
- What is the main objective of k-Means clustering in data science?
a. To perform regression analysis
b. To classify data into predefined categories
c. To group similar data points based on their characteristics
d. To visualize data
- Which of the following is a standard Python library for data science and machine learning?
a. NumPy
b. TensorFlow
c. Matplotlib
d. All of the above
- What is the main objective of data science time series forecasting?
a. To explore data
b. To visualize data
c. To predict future values based on past observations
d. To perform clustering
- Which of the following is a typical algorithm used for data science regression tasks?
a. k-Means
b. Decision Tree
c. Naive Bayes
d. Logistic Regression