World History MCQ – The 18th century’s events, such as the industrial revolution, global wars, redrawing of state borders, colonisation, declonization, and political ideologies like socialism, capitalism, and communism, will all be covered in World History.

World History MCQ – (MCQPrime)
1. Which is the world’s oldest civilization?
a. Indus Valley Civilization
b. Mesopotamian Civilization
c. Ancient Egyptian Civilization
d. Chinese Civilization
2. In World War II, which Axis country was the first to surrender?
a. Italy
b. Germany
c. Japan
d. Hungary
3. Which of the following is true when discussing the defeat of Germany in World War I when the phrase “November Criminals” is used?
a. It refers to the Allied forces.
b. It refers to German politicians who signed the Armistice.
c. It refers to those who supported the war till the end.
d. It is a term of honor for German soldiers.
World History Quiz
4. Egypt is also called ___________?
a. The Land of Pyramids
b. The Gift of the Nile
c. The Pharaoh’s Country
d. The Sands of Time
5. Which of the following wars witnessed the Russian Revolution?
a. The Seven Years’ War
b. The Napoleonic Wars
c. World War I
d. World War II
6. Which of the following statements about the February Revolution was said?
a. “The Romanov dynasty came to an end.
b. “The shift from capitalism to communism was peaceful.”
c. “It directly led to the establishment of a democratic Russia.”
d. “The outcome of Russia’s triumph in World War I set it off.”
7. In March 1918, the Russian capital was relocated to which location?
a. St. Petersburg
b. Moscow
c. Vladivostok
d. Kiev
8. Lenin’s new government official name was __________.
a. The Russian Empire
b. The Russian Federation
c. The Soviet Union
d. The Bolshevik Republic
9. Which of the following civilization was the first that used the potter’s wheel.
a. Mesopotamian Civilization
b. Indus Valley Civilization
c. Ancient Greek Civilization
d. Ancient Egyptian Civilization
World History MCQ
10. What year was the first Olympic Games held?
a. 776 BC
b. 492 BC
c. 320 AD
d. 1896 AD
11. _________ is known as father of History?
a. Plato
b. Herodotus
c. Aristotle
d. Socrates
12. When did the “Age of Renaissance” begin?
a. 14th Century
b. 15th Century
c. 16th Century
d. 17th Century
13. Who established the Chinese Communist Party?
a. Sun Yat-sen
b. Mao Zedong
c. Deng Xiaoping
d. Chen Duxiu
14. The location of the Washington Naval Conference was __________.
a. Tokyo
b. London
c. Washington, D.C.
d. Paris
World History MCQ
15. Signatures were made on the “historic” START-I Treaty in ___________.
a. 1987
b. 1991
c. 1994
d. 2001
16. What year was the Reformation movement founded?
a. 1517
b. 1524
c. 1533
d. 1555
17. What kind of movement was the Reformation?
a. Political
b. Economic
c. Religious
d. Military
18. When did the Industrial Revolution begin?
a. Late 16th Century
b. Mid 17th Century
c. Late 18th Century
d. Early 19th Century
19. In what place did the Industrial Revolution begin?
a. United States
b. France
c. Britain
d. Germany
World History MCQ
20. What was the year when Christopher Columbus came in America?
a. 1492
b. 1505
c. 1519
d. 1535
21. What is the Great Charter of 1215, often known as the Magna Carta?
a. A declaration of independence
b. A peace treaty
c. A royal decree
d. A charter of liberties
22. Who launched the Reformation Movement?
a. John Calvin
b. Henry VIII
c. Martin Luther
d. Thomas Cranmer
23. The period of the American War of Independence was ________ to ___________.
a. 1775 to 1783
b. 1765 to 1775
c. 1783 to 1791
d. 1754 to 1763
24. What is the Boston Tea Party’s basic concept?
a. A celebration of tea imports
b. A protest against British taxation
c. A tea trading agreement
d. A formal tea ceremony
World History MCQ
25. Who published the well-known Pilnitz Declaration in 1791?
a. George Washington
b. Louis XVI
c. Leopold II and Frederick William II
d. Napoleon Bonaparte
26. Which industry was the first to introduce the revolution in machinery?
a. Automotive
b. Textile
c. Steel
d. Agriculture
27. When did Americans become independent?
a. 1776
b. 1783
c. 1787
d. 1791
28. How long was the French Revolution?
a. 5 years
b. 10 years
c. 6 years
d. 12 years
29. What was the French Revolution’s slogan?
a. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
b. Unity, Justice, Freedom
c. Peace, Land, Bread
d. For King and Country
World History MCQ
30. The Thirty Years’ War took place between ________ and _________.
a. 1618 and 1648
b. 1600 and 1630
c. 1625 and 1655
d. 1640 and 1670
31. Which action did Prime Minister Mussolini take?
a. Established a democratic government
b. Formed the League of Nations
c. Invaded Ethiopia
d. Signed the Treaty of Versailles
32. What did Hitler’s Nazi party use as its emblem?
a. A lion
b. A swastika
c. An eagle
d. A hammer and sickle
33. During the French Revolution, whose rule was in effect?
a. The Bourbon Monarchy
b. The Jacobins
c. The Directory
d. Napoleon Bonaparte
34. Who was in charge of the “September Massacres”?
a. Louis XVI
b. Maximilien Robespierre
c. The Paris Commune
d. The Girondins
World History MCQ
35. Which nations make up the Triple Alliance?
a. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
b. France, Russia, Britain
c. Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary
d. Britain, France, Italy
36. Which treaty recognises America’s independence?
a. The Treaty of Paris (1783)
b. The Treaty of Versailles
c. The Treaty of Ghent
d. The Treaty of Utrecht
37. What was the intention behind the Westphalia Treaty?
a. To end the Thirty Years’ War
b. To start the League of Nations
c. To recognize American independence
d. To unify Germany
38. The republics that comprised the Soviet Union were ___________.
a. 15
b. 20
c. 25
d. 12
39. What led to the unification of Italy?
a. The Napoleonic Wars
b. The efforts of Garibaldi and Cavour
c. The Treaty of Versailles
d. The Congress of Vienna
World History MCQ
40. Who was the revolutionary who brought Italy together?
a. Victor Emmanuel II
b. Giuseppe Garibaldi
c. Otto von Bismarck
d. Napoleon Bonaparte
41. When did the Great World War I begin?
a. 1910
b. 1914
c. 1916
d. 1918
42. World War I ended?
a. 1918
b. 1920
c. 1916
d. 1922
43. Which strategy did Bismark use when Germany was unified?
a. Diplomacy and alliances
b. Economic sanctions
c. Direct democracy
d. “Blood and Iron”
44. Which country remained neutral throughout World War I?
a. Switzerland
b. France
c. Germany
d. Russia
World History MCQ
45. What happened during the February Revolution?
a. The Bolsheviks took power
b. The Tsar abdicated
c. Napoleon invaded Russia
d. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed
46. Who took the Tennis Court Oath?
a. The National Assembly
b. The Jacobins
c. The Girondins
d. The Royal Family
47. When was the world forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles?
a. 1918
b. 1919
c. 1920
d. 1921
48. What did the Versailles Treaty want to achieve?
a. Establish a new European order based on peace
b. Punish Germany and prevent another war
c. Create the League of Nations
d. All of the above
49. In 60 B.C., Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus established a ruling body known as ____________.
a. The Roman Senate
b. The Triumvirate
c. The Consulate
d. The Roman Republic
World History MCQ
50. Which of the following is father of Mohammed’s?
a. Abdullah
b. Abu Talib
c. Uthman
d. Hamza
51. When Second World War started.
a. 1935
b. 1939
c. 1941
d. 1945
52. Who was the first nominee president of the United States of America?
a. George Washington
b. John Adams
c. Thomas Jefferson
d. Abraham Lincoln
53. Who comprised the “Protestant” population?
a. Followers of Martin Luther
b. Followers of the Pope
c. Followers of Henry VIII
d. Followers of Calvinism
54. What is the name of the group of young men that founded a republican system of government?
a. The Founding Fathers
b. The Jacobins
c. The Federalists
d. The Sons of Liberty
World History MCQ
55. What was the 20th-century Russian dynasty?
a. The Romanovs
b. The Ruriks
c. The Bolsheviks
d. The Mensheviks
56. The founders of the Russian Social Democratic Party were _____________.
a. Lenin and Trotsky
b. Marx and Engels
c. Stalin and Khrushchev
d. Plekhanov and Lenin
World History MCQ
57. Which year was the Statue of Liberty dedicated by France to commemorate the independence of America?
a. 1876
b. 1886
c. 1896
d. 1906
58. What was the direct reason behind the beginning of World War I?
a. Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke, was killed
b. The invasion of Belgium
c. the Treaty of Versailles being signed
d. The League of Nations’ establishment
59. When did the Russian Revolution begin?
a. 1914
b. 1917
c. 1921
d. 1924
World History MCQ
60. By whom was the Mariner’s Compass invented?
a. The Chinese
b. The Greeks
c. The Vikings
d. The Arabs
61. Which of the following was measured using the German unit of measurement, the elle?
a. Time
b. Distance
c. Weight
d. Volume
World History MCQ
62. During the Russian Revolution, which philosophy was being established and popularised?
a. Monarchism
b. Capitalism
c. Communism
d. Anarchism
63. Which of these is the “Encyclopaedia of Astronomy” that has been compiled?
a. Almagest
b. Britannica
c. Surya Siddhanta
d. Book of Fixed Stars
64. The belief that “If Rome plundered, she also civilised the world” is held by which of the following?
a. Stoics
b. Epicureans
c. Romans
d. Greeks
World History MCQ
65. During the Russian Revolution, who held the position of King?
a. Nicholas II
b. Alexander III
c. Vladimir Lenin
d. Joseph Stalin
66. Which of these nations did not belong to the Allies?
a. Germany
b. France
c. Britain
d. United States
World History MCQ
67. Which year did the Treaty of Versailles come into effect?
a. 1918
b. 1919
c. 1920
d. 1921
68. When did the Soviet Union or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) come into being?
a. 1917
b. 1922
c. 1924
d. 1936
69. When was the Soviet Union or the USSR dissolved?
a. 1989
b. 1991
c. 1993
d. 1995
World History MCQ
70. When did China’s Republican Revolution begin?
a. 1900
b. 1911
c. 1912
d. 1925
71. Which of these individuals identified as “Hellens”?
a. Egyptians
b. Romans
c. Greeks
d. Persians
72. Which two cities in ancient Greece were the important ones?
a. Athens and Sparta
b. Athens and Rome
c. Sparta and Rome
d. Athens and Alexandria
73. Who served as the Republic of China’s first president?
a. Sun Yat-sen
b. Chiang Kai-shek
c. Mao Zedong
d. Yuan Shikai
74. Who is seen as Modern Turkey’s founder?
a. Abdulhamid II
b. Mehmed VI
c. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
d. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
World History MCQ
75. Which book lists every trade route that has been established between Europe and the Far East?
a. The Travels of Marco Polo
b. The Silk Roads
c. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea
d. The Book of Ser Marco Polo
76. ____________ translated the Bible into English?
a. John Wycliffe
b. William Tyndale
c. Martin Luther
d. Henry VIII
77. Who first used coal in a blast furnace to make charcoal?
a. Abraham Darby
b. Henry Bessemer
c. James Watt
d. Thomas Newcomen
78. “April Theses” were presented by ___________.
a. Lenin
b. Stalin
c. Trotsky
d. Kerensky
79. In World War II, who served as Italy’s commander general?
a. Benito Mussolini
b. Victor Emmanuel III
c. Pietro Badoglio
d. Rodolfo Graziani
World History MCQ
80. Who made the discovery of blood circulation?
a. William Harvey
b. Andreas Vesalius
c. Galen
d. Hippocrates
81. When was the Republic of Turkey proclaimed?
a. 1920
b. 1922
c. 1923
d. 1930
82. When did the Japanese-Russo conflict take place?
a. 1904-1905
b. 1910-1911
c. 1898-1899
d. 1914-1915
83. Which year was the first that paper was manufactured by the Chinese?
a. 105 AD
b. 200 BC
c. 50 AD
d. 1 BC
84. Which of the following rivers is sometimes referred to as China’s sorrow?
a. Yangtze River
b. Yellow River
c. Pearl River
d. Mekong River
World History MCQ
85. Who was the first sailor to use the seaway to discover India?
a. Christopher Columbus
b. Vasco da Gama
c. Ferdinand Magellan
d. Marco Polo