Best 22+ Battle of Haldighati MCQ

Battle of Haldighati MCQ – The Mewar ruler Maharana Pratap and the Akbari army under the command of Raja Mansingh, the Rajput king, engaged in war in the Battle of Haldighati. Maharana Pratap was defeated in this fight, yet he was able to escape and carry on his valiant campaign against the Mughal Empire. Battle …

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Best 21+ Battle of Buxar MCQ

Battle of Buxar MCQ – The British East India Company, supervised by Hector Munro, and the combined army of Mir Qasim, the Nawab of Bengal, the Mughal King Shah Alam-II, and the Nawab of Awadh engaged in war in the Battle of Buxar on October 22, 1764. Battle of Buxar MCQ 1. The first battle …

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Best 25+ Battle of Plassey MCQ

Battle of Plassey MCQ – The Battle of plassey conflict happened on June 23, 1757, not far from Plassey settlement. The British won handily, and as a result, they came to rule Bengal in the end. Because it signalled the start of British control in India, the battle is important. The British had solely engaged …

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Best 20+ Battle of Panipat MCQs

Battle of Panipat MCQs – On April 21, 1526, in North India, the Lodi Empire and Babur’s invading army engaged in combat in the First Battle of Panipat. That signalled the start of the Mughal Empire. One of the first conflicts involving field artillery and gunpowder was this one. Battle of Panipat MCQs 1. Where …

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Best 92+ Medieval Indian History MCQ

Medieval Indian History MCQ – The most important period of Indian History was the period of medieval period because of several battles among the different regional kingdome fought, huge number of muslim incursions, major contribution in the field of cultural, architecture and religious reforms and varied rulers. Medieval Indian History MCQ 1. Where is Jama …

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Best 80+ Ancient History MCQ

Ancient History MCQ – Ancient history spans the time from 3000 BC to 750 AD on all continents where people were present. The Bronze Age is usually accepted to represent the start of recorded history. The three-age approach divides ancient history into the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. Ancient History MCQ …

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Best 22+ Iron Age MCQ

Iron Age MCQ – Following the Stone Age and Bronze Age, the Iron Age began in human history between 1200 and 600 B.C., depending on the location. People in most of Europe, Asia, and some parts of Africa started crafting tools and weapons out of iron and steel during the Iron Age. Iron Age MCQ …

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Best 22+ Bronze Age MCQ

Bronze Age MCQ – The Bronze Age also denotes a period in human history when metal technologies replaced bone, wood, and stone in tools and weapons. While the exact dates of the Bronze Age vary depending on the location, most historians agree that it started around 3300 BCE and continued until roughly 1200 BCE. Bronze …

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Best 24+ Stone Age MCQ

Stone Age MCQ – Throughout the vast prehistoric era known as the Stone Age, stone was frequently utilized to create tools having an edge, point, or percussive surface. With the invention of metalworking, the approximately 3.4 million-year era came to an end between 4,000 and 2,000 BC. Stone Age MCQ 1. What are the different …

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Best 72+ Sangam Age MCQ

Sangam Age MCQ – In south India, the Sangam Age spans the third century BC to the third century AD. According to Tamil folklore, there were three Sangams performed in ancient South India, known as Muchchangam. Under the royal sponsorship of the Maduraian Pandya monarchs, these Sangams flourished. Sangam Age MCQ 1. What dynasty did …

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