Best 90+ Karnataka History MCQ

Karnataka History MCQ – Karnataka was formerly referred to as Karunadu, or “elevated land.” The traces of prehistoric eras provide insight into the history and culture of Karnataka. One of the oldest Stone Age finds was the hand axe discovered at Lingasugur in Raichur district. The epic Ramayana is also deeply interconnected with the history of Karnataka.

Karnataka History MCQ

Karnataka History MCQ – (MCQPrime)

Karnataka Pre History

1. Which period marks the beginning of prehistoric human activity in Karnataka?
a) Mesolithic
b) Neolithic
c) Paleolithic
d) Iron Age

2. Which river valley is associated with Paleolithic tools in Karnataka?
a) Krishna
b) Kaveri
c) Malaprabha
d) Tungabhadra

3. The Neolithic site of Brahmagiri is located in which district?
a) Bangalore
b) Mysore
c) Chitradurga
d) Hassan

4. Which site in Karnataka is known for its Mesolithic rock art?
a) Hirebenakal
b) Hampi
c) Kupgal
d) Maski

5. Which kind of pottery best describes the Neolithic culture in Karnataka?
a) Black and Red Ware
b) Painted Grey Ware
c) Micaceous Red Ware
d) Polished Black Ware

6. In Karnataka, where was early Iron Age culture found?
a) Brahmagiri
b) Hallur
c) Maski
d) Banavasi

7. Which is the earliest Iron Age site in Karnataka?
a) Banavasi
b) Hallur
c) Brahmagiri
d) Sanganakallu

8. The Ranganatha Swamy temple in Karnataka is designed in which architectural style?
a) Hoysala
b) Dravidian
c) Vijayanagara
d) Chalukya

9. In Karnataka, prehistoric tools are made of which material?
a) Copper
b) Bronze
c) Stone
d) Iron

10. Karnataka is known for its microlithic tools made from which material?
a) Flint
b) Obsidian
c) Quartz
d) Chalcedony

11. A polished stone axe was discovered in Karnataka in which place?
a) Sanganakallu
b) Hirebenakal
c) Maski
d) Banavasi

Karnataka Early History

12. Mauryan Empire was founded by:
a) Ashoka
b) Chandragupta Maurya
c) Bindusara
d) Kautilya

13. The capital of the Mauryan Empire was:
a) Pataliputra
b) Ujjain
c) Taxila
d) Kalinga

14. Chandragupta Maurya was an __.
a) Emperor
b) Philosopher
c) Warrior
d) Merchant

15. Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded by his son:
a) Ashoka
b) Bindusara
c) Kunala
d) Brihadratha

16. Ashoka was the greatest ruler of the _ Empire.
a) Gupta
b) Nanda
c) Mauryan
d) Mughal

17. Ashoka was the son of:
a) Bindusara
b) Chandragupta Maurya
c) Kautilya
d) Brihadratha

18. The great ruler of ancient India was:
a) Alexander
b) Chandragupta Maurya
c) Ashoka
d) Samudragupta

19. Who told one dharma, one language and one script:
a) Ashoka
b) Chandragupta Maurya
c) Bindusara
d) Kautilya

20. Arthashastra was written by Kautilya (Chanakya) in:
a) Sanskrit
b) Pali
c) Prakrit
d) Tamil

21. Kautilya (Chanakya) was the contemporary of:
a) Ashoka
b) Bindusara
c) Chandragupta Maurya
d) Alexander

22. Mudrarakshasa is a drama written by:
a) Kalidasa
b) Vishakhadatta
c) Bhasa
d) Bhavabhuti

23. Indika was written by:
a) Kautilya
b) Megasthenes
c) Pliny
d) Herodotus

24. Which Greek ambassador was sent by Selecus to Chandragupta Maurya’s court?
a) Herodotus
b) Megasthenes
c) Pliny
d) Alexander

25. The Mauryan Empire was destroyed by:
a) Gupta Empire
b) Sunga Dynasty
c) Huns
d) British

26. Which was the largest Indian empire?
a) Gupta Empire
b) Mauryan Empire
c) Mughal Empire
d) Chola Empire

27. Who ruled India after Ashoka?
a) Bindusara
b) Chandragupta Maurya
c) Kunala
d) Brihadratha

28. Mahapadma Nanda was the founder of:
a) Gupta Empire
b) Nanda Dynasty
c) Mauryan Empire
d) Chola Empire

29. Who extended the boundaries of the Magadhan Empire?
a) Ashoka
b) Bindusara
c) Mahapadma Nanda
d) Chandragupta Maurya

30. Mahapadma Nanda’s __ sons divided the Magadhan Empire.
a) 8
b) 9
c) 10
d) 11

31. The Nandas were unpopular because of their:
a) Leniency
b) Heavy taxes
c) Weak military
d) Poor administration

32. Who was the last king of the Nanda empire?
a) Dhana Nanda
b) Mahapadma Nanda
c) Bindusara
d) Chandragupta Maurya

33. When Alexander the Great invaded India, the ruler of the Magadha Empire was:
a) Bindusara
b) Chandragupta Maurya
c) Dhana Nanda
d) Ashoka

34. Who refused to move ahead to face the huge army of the Magadha Empire?
a) Alexander’s generals
b) Alexander himself
c) Seleucus
d) Porus

Karnataka Mediaeval History

35. The Kadamba dynasty founder was:
a) Mayurasharma
b) Kakusthavarma
c) Vishnugopa
d) Shivamara

36. The capital of the Kadamba dynasty was shifted from Banavasi to Kolar by __.
a) Kakusthavarma
b) Mayurasharma
c) Vishnugopa
d) Krishnavarma II

37. __ was the most well-known Kadamba dynasty emperor.
a) Mayurasharma
b) Kakusthavarma
c) Vishnugopa
d) Krishnavarma II

38. The Kadamba kingdom was divided into administrative units called:
a) Nadu
b) Mandala or Desha
c) Agrahara
d) Kula

39. In the Kadamba kingdom, towns and villages were expected to pay a tax which is known as:
a) Bali
b) Kudu
c) Varaha
d) Nishka

40. The capital of the Kadamba kingdom was:
a) Kolar
b) Banavasi
c) Talakadu
d) Manyakheta

41. Kadamba dynasty society was broadly divided based on:
a) Occupation
b) Caste
c) Religion
d) Wealth

42. In the Kadamba dynasty, who occupied the top position in society?
a) Warriors
b) Brahmins
c) Merchants
d) Farmers

43. The famous Jain temple of Kolar was built by which dynasty?
a) Kadamba dynasty
b) Western Ganga
c) Chola
d) Rashtrakuta

44. The famous Pala style of painting found in the Ajanta caves belongs to which dynasty?
a) Chalukya
b) Pallava
c) Kadamba
d) Gupta

45. Western Ganga ruled from:
a) Banavasi
b) Kolar
c) Talakadu
d) Manyakheta

46. Who established the Western Ganga Dynasty?
a) Durvinita
b) Madhava I
c) Konganivarman Madhava
d) Rachamalla

47. Who expanded the Ganga dynasty territories?
a) Anantavarman Chodaganga
b) Madhava I
c) Konganivarman Madhava
d) Vishnugopa

48. Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta took the place of the:
a) Chalukyas
b) Pallavas
c) Kadambas
d) Western Ganga

49. The Chavundaraya Purana was written by:
a) Durvinita
b) Chavundaraya
c) Pampa
d) Ranna

50. Which metal is used to design coins in the Western Ganga Dynasty?
a) Gold
b) Silver
c) Copper
d) Bronze

51. Western Ganga Dynasty collected revenue from the:
a) Land tax
b) Trade tax
c) Toll tax
d) Tribute from vassals

52. The Western Ganga kingdom was divided into smaller administrative units called:
a) Nadu
b) Mandala
c) Vishaya
d) Sthala

53. The Western Ganga Dynasty King appointed __ to protect the kingdom from threats and maintain the law.
a) Amatyas
b) army chiefs
c) Mahapradhanas
d) Samantas

54. The devadasi system is also known as:
a) Yellamma
b) Basivi
c) Jogini
d) Matangi

55. Adipurana and Uttarapurana were written by Jinasena and Gunabhadra during the _ ruler.
a) Durvinita
b) Konganivarman Madhava
c) Rachamalla
d) Jinasena and Gunabhadra

56. Raghavapundaviya was written by:
a) Chavundaraya
b) Pampa
c) Gunabhadra
d) Kaviraja

57. Which dynasty is considered to be the golden age of Karnataka:
a) Kadamba
b) Western Ganga
c) Chalukya
d) Rashtrakuta

58. The Chalukya dynasty founder was:
a) Pulakesin I
b) Vikramaditya VI
c) Kirtivarman I
d) Mangalesa

59. Western Chalukya empire is known as the:
a) Kalyani Chalukyas
b) Badami Chalukyas
c) Vengi Chalukyas
d) Early Chalukyas

60. Badami Chalukyas ruled from:
a) Kalyani
b) Pattadakal
c) Aihole
d) Badami

61. Pulakesin II is regarded as the most famous emperor of:
a) Kadamba
b) Rashtrakuta
c) Chalukya
d) Western Ganga

62. Chalukyas ruled from Kalyani, which is the present day:
a) Bijapur
b) Bidar
c) Gulbarga
d) Basavakalyan

63. Vikramaditya VI was the most notable ruler of __ dynasty.
a) Kadamba
b) Rashtrakuta
c) Chalukya
d) Western Ganga

64. Vikramaditya I was the successor of:
a) Someshvara I
b) Pulekeshin II
c) Tailapa II
d) Pulakesin II

65. Who was the last ruler of the Badami Chalukya dynasty?
a) Vikramaditya VI
b) Tailapa III
c) Kirtivarman II
d) Kirtivarman II

66. Who founded the Rashtrakuta dynasty?
a) Dantivarman or Dantidurga
b) Krishna I
c) Amoghavarsha I
d) Govinda III

67. The rock-cut monolithic Kailasha temple of Ellora was built by:
a) Dantidurga
b) Krishna I
c) Amoghavarsha I
d) Govinda III

68. The famous Kailasa Temple dedicated to Lord:
a) Vishnu
b) Brahma
c) Shiva
d) Ganesha

69. Elephanta Caves dedicated to Lord Shiva are known as:
a) Gharapuri
b) Bhimasankar
c) Srisailam
d) Trimbakeshwar

70. The first Kannada book on poetics, Kavirajamarga, was written by:
a) Pampa
b) Ranna
c) Gunabhadra
d) Amoghavarsha I

71. Who is known as Ashoka of the South?
a) Krishna I
b) Amoghavarsha I
c) Pulakesin II
d) Vikramaditya VI

72. Visayas were divided into smaller units called:
a) Nadu
b) Mandala
c) Bhuktis
d) Sthala

73. Who wrote Kavirajamarga which was the landmark of Kannada literature?
a) Pampa
b) Ranna
c) Amoghavarsha I
d) Gunabhadra

74. What is other names of Kalyana Chalukya dynasty:
a) Badami Chalukyas
b) Eastern Chalukyas
c) Western Chalukyas
d) Later Chalukyas

75. Someshwara I ruler established his capital at:
a) Badami
b) Kalyani
c) Pattadakal
d) Talakadu

76. Who was the founder of the Sevuna dynasty?
a) Pushyamitra
b) Singhana II
c) Yadava Vishnugupta
d) Krishna

77. Who founded the Hoysala Empire?
a) Vishnuvardhana
b) Narasimha I
c) Vinayaditya
d) Nripa Kama II

78. The Hoysala Empire capital was in:
a) Halebidu
b) Mysore
c) Belur
d) Dwarasamudra

79. The Vijayanagar Empire was also known as:
a) Karnata Empire
b) Hoysala Empire
c) Rashtrakuta Empire
d) Chalukya Empire

80. The capital of the Vijayanagar Empire was:
a) Mysore
b) Halebidu
c) Hampi
d) Badami

81. Carnatic music developed during which era?
a) Hoysala Empire
b) Vijayanagar Empire
c) Chola Empire
d) Rashtrakuta Empire

82. Which empire was the first sovereign Islamic kingdom?
a) Bahmani Sultanate
b) Adilshahi Dynasty
c) Mughal Empire
d) Delhi Sultanate

83. Who founded the Brahmin empire?
a) Adi Shankaracharya
b) Shashanka
c) Brahmadatta
d) Pushyamitra Shunga

84. The Adilshahi dynasty was established by:
a) Yusuf Adil Shah
b) Ibrahim Adil Shah I
c) Ali Adil Shah I
d) Muhammad Adil Shah

Karnataka Modern History

85. The Nayak dynasties established in South India after the downfall of:
a) Chola Empire
b) Vijayanagar Empire
c) Pandya Kingdom
d) Hoysala Empire

86. Meenakshi Amman Temple at Madurai was the greatest example of __ style.
a) Dravidian
b) Indo-Saracenic
c) Vesara
d) Nagara

87. The style of Thanjavur painting originated under which dynasty?
a) Chola
b) Vijayanagar
c) Nayak
d) Pallava

88. The Nayaks issued coins made of:
a) Gold
b) Silver
c) Copper
d) Bronze

89. Visvanatha Nayaka’s capital was:
a) Thanjavur
b) Madurai
c) Tiruchirapalli
d) Gingee

90. Tipu Sultan was the son of:
a) Hyder Ali
b) Ali Adil Shah
c) Nawab of Arcot
d) Ibrahim Khan

91. The first Anglo-Mysore war was fought between:
a) Tipu Sultan and British East India Company
b) Hyder Ali and Marathas
c) Hyder Ali and British East India Company
d) Tipu Sultan and Marathas

92. Who won the 2nd Anglo-Mysore war?
a) British East India Company
b) Tipu Sultan
c) Marathas
d) Nizam of Hyderabad

93. The treaty of Srirangapatnam was signed between Tipu Sultan and __.
a) British East India Company
b) Marathas
c) Nizam of Hyderabad
d) French East India Company

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